Saturday, March 14, 2009

Welcome To My World......(The Introduction)

So the good folks at Music City Singles sent me an invite and of course, I accepted the invitation. :) With that, let me introduce myself.

My name is Amy. I am a 38 year old divorced female. Yes, I'm one of those people who are labeled in a group called "single again". I live in this crazy but awesome city called Nashville. And in this part of my life, I'm starting my life over since my divorce (Yes, I said the "D" word. LOL!!! ;) ) years ago ranging my career to social life (Currently, I had a bump in the road called the "Economic Recession" but recently, things are turning around again for the positive).

So, what will I be saying in my blogs here?? Well, I hope that I will be able to share my thoughts and my life experiences with other singles who are starting their lives over from a divorce or whatever takes them back to being single.

And with that.......enjoy my blogs. :)

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